100% green Europe datacenters
100% Green Data Centers
Our data centers have been designed to leverage all the opportunities to reset their environmental impact, without compromising high standards of reliability and performance.
To power our facilities, we use 100% renewable energy taken from the national grids, in compliance with the European Guarantee of Origin scheme (GO) .
Our datacenters are located in Italy (IT1), and Republic of Moldova (MD1, upcoming).
The datacenters are equipped with video surveillance systems, biometric scanning and are monitored 24h by security and technical personnel.
Best place for your Internet nodes
Our data rooms, located in anti-seismic buildings and thanks to the design solutions of its equipment, the environment, and the staff working at it, are the ideal places for running servers and nodes.
We have an indipendent power supply backup system, as well as fire-fighting systems to prevent any infrastructure problem.
Blockchain Software developing
Best blockchain software developing for Windows, Android and iOS devices.